How to Protect Home From Lighting Strikes By Using 24/7 Emergency Local Dallas Electrician

Local emergency electrician - Service Expert Blogs - 24 hour local electricians for home electrical panel replacement, installing gfci circuit breaker, pushmatic box, prevent arc fault, wall outlet and 30 amp fuse troubleshooting.   A surge doesn’t have to be lightning; it can come from an automobile accident that hits a power pole or even from a routine maintenance on the main power lines when they turn the power back on.   This off and on of the power with the main electrical lines can send surges into your home or business that I have seen destroy lots of electronic equipment and appliances.   As a matter of fact, the majority of surges that most people take are from problems at someone else’s home or somewhere further down on the power company lines. The strike doesn’t even have to be a direct hit on your home but can occur within half a mile ..More