You Can Be Liable for Unlicensed Electrical Work

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Good Work Done Right

To avoid code and permitting issues, hire only licensed technicians for your electrical work and ask them to show you all the relevant permits. They might quote you a lower price, but shoddy workmanship can leave you on the hook for a lot more money overall. That could be the scenario you face, however, if you cut corners and don&;t hire a licensed electrician to take on the task. You Can Be Liable for Unlicensed Electrical Work


Revamping your home&;s electrical work can be a big headache. Electric service forum pages and blogs on wall socket diagnosis, circuit breaker troubleshooting, faulty wiring inspection. And if your electrician isn&;t licensed, you have little recourse to correct the faulty electrical work besides paying out of pocket for someone else to redo the entire thing. You need to find a qualified electrician and write what could be a hefty check for work that might require opening holes in your walls and temporarily making a mess of your home. Furthermore, you may have an easier time recouping your investment in the event of unsafe or incomplete work if you can prove that you did your due diligence and hired a licensed electrician. Worse, if your electrical system does cause a fire that leads to injury or death, you could be civilly liable for huge sums.

Licensed electricians, on the other hand, have more incentive to follow the rules to begin with, since they could lose their certification if they don&;t. Local code standards are particularly important when it comes to electrical work, because faulty wiring and connections can lead to short circuits or even an electrical fire, putting your family at risk.

That&;s why technicians who do electrical work are required to maintain a license, secure permits and schedule inspections for many home projects. The last thing you want after a big electrical project is to have to tear it all out and redo the job all over again. Fly-by-night contractors might be cheaper at the outset, but they can cost you big time in the end if they don&;t follow the local building code, leaving you liable for the faults in your home wiring.

Limit Your Exposure to Liability

If your local government figures out that you are working on an electrical project, they can send an inspector to check it out. Protect yourself and your home by holding out for competent contractors so you know the work is done right the first time. Unfortunately, there are electricians who are tempted to skip the code requirements in order to avoid the time and expense of compliance. If the work isn&;t up to code, you&;ll have to remedy the problem before you pass inspection.

Fanning the Building Code Fires

Some contractors might complain about having to follow local code, but it&;s in place for a reason – it helps ensure that any work done on your home is performed safely and effectively ..More

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Choosing an Eco-Friendly and Affordable Back-Up Electricity Generator | By Dallas Electrician

Service Expert electrical contractors - Service, Upgrade Forums - Free contractor estimates - gfci installation, outdoor lighting inspection, air conditioning troubleshooting, water heater etc.   With the cold, another problem has been water pipes freezing at the electric generating stations causing them to have to shut down for repairs. With all the bad weather we have been hammered with this winter, our electric power stations have been maxed out trying to keep up with the demand for electricity. ”.   I have received multiple inquiries from customers wanting to know if there is an alternative means to keeping the electricity on in their home without using a gas-powered generator.   Long story short, over 55 million people in America this year have dealt with power shortages. ”  Some of my customers that live in condos or town homes only have a balcony which really “limits them on space.   Either being rolling blackouts, or simply no power for days.   Their reasons for not being able to use a gas powered generator ranged from “I live in a HOA where generators are not allowed on the outside of our home and I can’t put it on the inside due to noise and fumes,” to “I don’t have any place outside to put the generator that guarantees it won’t be tampered with or stolen ..More

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Floodlight Season

Service Expert electrician contractor - Home Repairman Forums - . Residential & commercial services - outlet installation, gfci inspection, appliance hook-ups troubleshooting, air conditioning etc. It doesn’t always snow in Des Moines, surprisingly, and warmer winter days aren’t uncommon; these warm winter days should be taken advantage of, which is hard to do if it is dark at 5pm. By having lights for your outdoor space, you make the spectacle even better. Its nice to watch the snow falling just outside the windows, as your family enjoys hot chocolate inside. With easily accessible outdoor lighting, your family can enjoy outdoor living areas, you can dust off the grill for a winter burger, and open up possibilities for a nice fire on a brisk night ..More

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